European Parliament and EU Council agree deal on proposal to revise the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

The European Union’s Council and Parliament agreed on 7 December a provisional agreement on a proposal to revise the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

The revised directive aims to set new more ambitious energy performance standards for new and renovated buildings as well as renovating Member States’ ageing building stock.

The key objectives of the revised directive are that all new buildings should be net zero in emissions by 2030, and that existing building stock should be retrofitted to zero emissions by 2050.

They also agreed to ensure the suitable deployment of solar energy installations in new buildings, public buildings and existing non-residential ones which undergo renovations. Furthermore, non-residential buildings must meet minimum energy standards above the 16% worst performing by 2030 and 26% by 2033.

In addition, the agreement also provided that National Building Renovation Plans must include pathways to phase out fossil fuel boilers by 2040.

The agreement must now be formally endorsed and adopted by both EU Council and European Parliament before becoming law.

Photo by Anthony Fomin on Unsplash.

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