[Event-Recap] “The air we breathe: Regional and local perspectives on air quality policy in the EU and UK”

On 24 April, IEEP UK hosted a webinar on air quality policy in the UK and EU. This served as an opportunity to discuss the findings of IEEP UK’s latest briefing (which you can also download below), which looks at and assesses the legislative framework in the UK since departing the European Union and presents examples of areas of improvement.

Following that, the event’s guest panel displayed a breadth of expertise on the subject, raising important considerations at the heart of urban air pollution and presenting different approaches to confront the challenge. Our expert panel discussed the issue of air pollution from diverse perspectives, providing important insights to how to best analyse and address urban air quality.

For more on the event, you can find a full recording of the event below.

You can also access some of the links shared by our panel below:

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IEEP UK Briefing - Air Quality in the UK Post-Brexit

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