IEEP at COP24 – Agriculture’s Future, Delivering Net Zero GHG Emissions – Reflections from Katowice

Authors: Catherine Bowyer, Ben Allen, Anna Lorant

Rural land using sectors have a multidimensional role in the delivery of climate action. Agriculture needs to reduce its own emissions but is also being called upon to provide biomass for the replacement of carbon-intensive materials and carbon removals via sequestration and storage in soils and biomass. Increasing pressure is being placed on the agricultural sector to deliver transformational change. The question remains: how can the diverse demands being placed on agriculture be delivered to achieve net zero emissions and broader sustainable development goals?

On 7 December IEEP convened a discussion on the role of agriculture in delivering net zero emissions at COP24 of the UNFCCC. IEEP collaborated with CCCAFEEDBACKAGRICORDIIEDSNVJoanneum ReasearchIFFA, and the FAO’s Forest and Farm Facility to deliver a wider ranging discussion on agriculture’s role. The session debated the key levers for delivering a low carbon, resilient farming sector & barriers to change including presentations on questions of both production and consumption.

The organisers would like to thank all partners, presenters and participants for the quality of discussion. The session demonstrated the value of learning together and from each other. Sharing collective experiences and ideas can be a powerful tool for promoting change.

Click here to read a summary of the discussions that took place and some of the priorities for change. Reaching net-zero emissions in agriculture is as challenging for the sector as it is for society as a whole. Yet the opportunities and benefits of doing so are equally large, from the protection of natural resources, improving the health and livelihoods of populations, to enabling new diversified markets and rural development. 

Event Chairs – Ben Allen, IEEP; Xiaoting Hou Jones, IIED; Carina Millstone, Feedback

Lead Contact – Catherine Bowyer,

Speakers and Presentations to Download 

SpeakerPresentationDownload here
Anna Lorant, IEEPNet Zero AgriculturePDF
Tiina Huvio, representing the AgriCord AllianceBringing Farmers on BoardPDF
Dean Cooper, SNVEnergising agricultural value chainsPDF
Majola Mabuza, SACAUGetting everyone on board, farmer organisationsPDF
Lennart Ackzell, International Family Forest AssociationForestry and farming – the complimentary pillars of farm realityPDF
David Blandford, Professor Emeritus Pennsylvania State UniversityThe role of international trade in reducing carbon footprints in agriculturePDF
Franz Prettenthaler, Joanneum Research LIFEMeasuring climate riskPDF
Carine Millstone, FeedbackThe food we eat and the food we don’tPDF
Catherine Bowyer, IEEPThe future bioeconomyPDF

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IEEP at COP24 – Agriculture’s Future, Delivering Net Zero GHG Emissions – Reflections from Katowice

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