IEEP Conference on Future of the CAP – March 9

IEEP is hosting a conference Visions and Design: Securing a CAP for the Future on 9 March 2010 in Brussels.

The event presents the most up-to-date thinking on a future Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) to an audience of stakeholders, officials from the EU Institutions and the Member States, NGOs and academics, with approximately 120 participants. 

There has been much debate on the extent to which ‘payments for environmental goods and services provide a robust rationale for a future CAP’.  In the context of a post 2013 CAP, the conference seeks to address the following questions:

         What are the land use challenges in relation to food, climate and environment in Europe?
         What does the public goods agenda mean?
         How could it be implemented?
         How far is it relevant to the future of direct payments?
         Does it contribute to income stability?  
         Is it an agenda around which a wide coalition could be built?  
         What are the implications for the size of a future CAP budget? 

Along with interventions from the Spanish Presidency and Mr Anastassios Haniotis, representing DG Agriculture, the Conference will include five key presentations:


Introduction: The CAP Old and New – David Baldock, IEEP
Europe’s Future Land Use Challenge: Food, Climate and Environment – Dr. Tamsin Cooper, IEEP

Public Goods from Private Land – Dr. Corrado Pirzio-Biroli (RISE Foundation

Proposal for a New CAP – Meeting the Environmental and Food Challenges of the Future (A common Vision of 5 NGOS, Birdlife International, EEB, WWF, IFOAM, EFNCP) – Ariel Brunner, BirdLife International

The Future of Direct Payments under a New CAP – Professor Jean-Christophe Bureau, INRA.


Invited respondents will comment on the presentations, and there will opportunity for conference participants to contribute to the debate.  The conference seeks to explore areas of consensus and disagreement which will be captured in a conference note to be sent to Mr. Dacion Ciolos, the Agricultural Commissioner. 

Copies of conference materials, all presentations and the conference note will be posted on CAP2020 website after the event.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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