New IEEP Programme on the Green Economy

A new dedicated Programme on the Green Economy is coming on stream within IEEP as from May 1st. This looks forward at key issues for building a Green Economy in Europe while simultaneously exploring challenges and solutions for a shift towards a Green Economy at the global level. The Programme will be headed by Patrick ten Brink, a leading authority on the value of biodiversity, fiscal reform and market-based instruments. The programme will set EU issues in a global context and vice versa, building on the Institute’s expertise in areas such as green fiscal reform, value of nature (e.g. TEEB), the identification and reform of harmful subsidies, and beyond GDP indicators and environmental accounts.

Prime movers taking forward the global stream of work in the team will include Marianne Kettunen in the UK, focussing on global biodiversity challenges and Sirini Withana in Canada, leading work on financing a global green economy. 

For more information visit our webpages on Green Economy and Global Challenges and Solutions or contact Patrick ten Brink (, Marianne Kettunen ( or Sirini Withana (

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