Newsletter #6 – Divergence in EU/UK Environmental Policy

When IEEP UK started out tracking and analysing EU/UK and intra-UK divergence in environmental policy in 2021, we suspected that there was the potential for a lot of policy and legal divergence – and so it has come to pass.

The Green Deal has turbo-charged the EU’s legislative drive, and a distinctly less ambitious move forward on the UK side has generated much of this divergence. The last few months before the European elections will see a desire to get a large number of policy areas across the line, and we will cover those developments in the next issue. Our state of play report and webinar below summarise where we are now.

One of the key planks of the Green Deal is the revision of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, making our briefing on sewage discharges and  EU-UK divergence (and the importance of EU Law on UK Law) a must-read! And finally, we flag new studies by ChemTrust and WRAP, whose divergence-related work adds to the growing volume of studies in this area.  

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