Paper 1: Achieving a transition away from CAP direct payments – study published

The paper considers the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the opportunities and risks associated with a range of transitional options. These considerations are based on an analysis of the anticipated impacts of introducing a new, more environmentally focused, system of support. 

The LUPG Vision for the Future of the CAP states that, “during the next programming period, we believe there needs to be a transfer of funds from income support into the direct purchase of environmental services”. If this were to be the agreed direction of travel for the CAP then, in order to ensure ongoing economic stability as the nature of support payments evolves, some form of transitional arrangement would need to be put in place. 

The publication of the Land Use Policy Group’s (LUPG) vision for the future of the CAP signaled the start of a process rather than an end point. During the launch event in March 2009, a substantial number of questions were raised by the various speakers and members of the audience. In response, LUPG commissioned a series of IEEP discussion papers to address these questions. It is hoped that these papers will prove useful in informing the continuing debate on the future of the CAP after 2013. This is the first in a series of four discussion papers.

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