Access to Nature Reduces Health Inequalities: An IEEP Briefing

AUTHORS: Konar Mutafoglu – Patrick ten Brink – Jean-Pierre Schweitzer

In a briefing for Friend of the Earth Europe commemorating the International Day of Forests, IEEP explored the links between access to nature and health inequalities in Europe.

Countries across Europe face many health and social challenges such as obesity, mental health issues, social exclusion, air and noise pollution. These challenges disproportionally affect socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable groups and add pressure on already stretched health budgets.

A growing body of evidence is emerging on the links between health inequalities and access to nature in urban, suburban and rural settings. Health inequalities affect all stages of life: pre-birth, childhood, adult life and old age. The evidence shows that access to nature is vital for good mental and physical health at all ages.

The briefing note presents key insights, practical examples of how nature access contributes to better health and equity and identifies possible solutions for stakeholders. It builds on earlier work by IEEP on the health and social benefits of nature.

The full briefing can be read here.

For more information, contact Konar Mutafoglu or Patrick ten Brink

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