CFP Briefing No 16


In presenting its overall strategic approach to the Common Fisheries Policy reform in 2002, the Commission identified the conservation of commercial fish stocks as a key challenge facing Community fisheries. However, the desire for sustainable management of fish stocks, and the marine environment at large, has substantially increased the demand for up-to-date and timely scientific assessments and adviceon the state of resources.

To identify ways of meeting these challenges, the Commission published a Communication on improving scientific and technical advice for Community fisheries management in February 2003 (2003/C 47/06). The Commission intendsto improve current insufficiencies in the advisory process by:

  • i) improving the efficiency and coordination of advisory activities; and
  • ii) strengthening and supplementing existing capacity for scientific advice.

A number of short-term measures are suggested, together with options for long-term institutional adjustments, to improve the reliability, transparency and timeliness of scientific advice.

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