Does the EU benefit the UK environment?

AUTHORS: David Baldock – Andrew Farmer – Kristof Geeraerts – Stephanie Newman – Raphael Sauter – Emma Watkins – Sirini Withana

This report, commissioned by a group of environmental NGOs in the UK, has been prepared in the context of the Review of the Balance of Competences now taking place at the behest of the UK government and the broader more political debate on the environmental aspects of Britain’s relationship with the EU. It considers the role of the EU in influencing the environment both in Europe more broadly and particularly in the UK. As part of this it looks at the alternatives if the UK were to withdraw from active involvement in EU environmental policy or to withdraw from the EU.

Overall the impact within the environmental domain can be judged to be strongly positive to the UK. The action taken has been well balanced, with benefits for human health and welfare and the sustainability of the economy as well as the environment itself.

In the light of the current debate about the impacts of EU policy in different spheres, the Institute has prepared both a substantive report and a formal response to the UK government’s “Review of the Balance of Competences”, with specific reference to the environment.

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