Gough Island in danger – IEEP assessment of World Heritage Site

AUTHORS: Graham Tucker-Evelyn Underwood

IEEP assessed threats to Gough and Inaccessible Island World Heritage Site on behalf of the RSPB. The report brings together evidence that globally important seabird colonies and endemic species are under threat of extinction from invasive alien species, especially predatory house mice, and that the proposed mouse eradication programme should proceed as quickly as possible. The level of the threat is such that the site meets the criteria of the World Heritage In Danger list, according to the United Nations convention. 

The World Heritage Site is part of the UK Overseas Territory of Tristan de Cunha, and the UK government and Council of Tristan have obligations to conserve its natural heritage. IEEP reviewed the published evidence of the threats to the site’s key species, and the feasibility of eradicating the mice, to support the RSPB’s calls for the UK government to fund the eradication programme.

The report can be accessed here.

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