Net-zero agriculture in 2050: How to get there?

AUTHORS: Anna Lorant – Ben Allen

This report explores how the EU farming sector could look like in a net-zero world, what roles it would play and what is needed to make the transition by mid-century.

It addresses a fundamental question: is it possible to reach carbon neutrality in agriculture alone and if so, what actions and policies are needed to reach that point?

The work builds on a review of over 60 relevant scenarios from 18 different studies in order to understand how and to what extent emissions from agriculture can be reduced, and whether there is consensus in the existing literature.

This was complemented through the use of the Carbon Transparency Initiative 2050 Roadmap Tool (CTI tool) to explore four illustrative scenarios to test the potential for efficiency improvements, changes in production volumne and/or mix, as well as increasing carbon sequestration potential on farmed land.

A stakeholder platform in the EU, and in France was used to test ideas around potential mitigation options.

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