New suite of 40 case studies on environmental fiscal reform

IEEP is pleased to publish drafts of a suite of 40 case studies on economic instruments from around the EU that address pollution and resource use.

These case studies, prepared by IEEP and partners as part of a major study for the European Commission on ‘Capacity building for environmental tax reform’, summarise a wide range of taxes, charges, subsidies and payments related to several areas of environmental policy.

The instruments selected for analysis were chosen based on their environmental relevance, whilst ensuring coverage of a wide range of instrument types and geographical balance (to provide at least one case study per EU Member State).

Each case study outlines the design, drivers and barriers, revenues and environmental, economic and social impacts of the instrument. The cases also discuss how stakeholders have been engaged with the instruments throughout the policy cycle, from policy formulation and decision making, through implementation, to monitoring and evaluation.

Several of the case studies were presented at the final conference for the study, which took place at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels on 5 October 2017. Further details of the conference can be found here.

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Files to download

SE Fertilizer tax final_REV
UK Landfill Tax final
UK Aggregates Levy final
SK Air Pollution Fee final
SI Financing Private Forests final
SE NOx SO2 Tax final
RO Packaging Tax final
PT Water Resources Fee final
PT Ecological Fiscal Transfer final
PL Wastewater Fee final
NL Water Taxes Fees final
NL Port Plastic Waste final
MT Water pricing final
LV Packaging Tax final
LT Env Pollution Tax final
IT Phytosanitary Tax final
IS Fisheries Management final (1)
IE Plastic Bag Levy final (1)
IE Fishing Licences final (1)
HU Air Pollution Charge final (1)
HR Forest Public Benefit Fee final
FR Water Abstraction Charges final
FI Peatland Tax final
FI Deposit Refund Scheme final
ES Selvans Mature Forests final
ES Fluorinated Gases final
EL Landfill Tax final
EE Mineral Extraction Charge final
EE Hunting Fishing Fees final
DK Phosphorus Tax final
DK Pesticide Tax final
DE RB-AEM final
DE Biodiversity Offsetting final
CZ Air Pollution Fee final
CY Water Pricing final
BG Water Abstraction final
BE Packaging Tax final
AT Vienna Tree Act final
AT Landfill Tax final

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