Opportunities for a better use of indicators in policy-making

AUTHORS: Samuela Bassi – Leonardo Mazza – Patrick ten Brink – Keti Medarova-Bergstrom – Sonja Gantioler – Jana Poláková – Indrani Lutchman – Doreen Fedrigo-Fazio – Peter Hjerp – Laura Baroni – Elisa Portale

There is a crucial need in Europe for indicators and measurement systems that provide a useful assessment of progress toward the simultaneous aims of economic success, human well-being, environmental protection and long-term sustainability.

This research note ‘Opportunities for a better use of indicators in policy-making: emerging needs and recommendations’ was published in the context of the FP-7 IN-STREAM project and is dedicated to exploring the policy needs and opportunities of an increased use of sustainability indicators for selected policy areas, and providing guidance on how these could be adopted at different phases of the policy development process. It provides in particular insights into the current use of sustainability indicators as well as policy recommendations for the use of sustainability indicators in biodiversity policy, agriculture policy, fisheries policy, resource efficiency policy, cohesion policy and climate change policy. This supports the Beyond GDP process.

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