Social justice priorities in the Fit for 55 package

AUTHORS: Tim Gore – Thorfinn Stainforth – Jesus Urios – Sabrina Iannazzone (EAPN)

Mitigating negative social impacts and maximising positive social impacts of climate and energy policies are central to building the political and social acceptability of the energy transition. If well-designed, the Fit for 55 package can lay the foundation for a just transition in Europe. Each of the files assessed in this briefing has the potential to deliver significant social benefits while accelerating the decarbonisation of the EU economy.

This policy briefing summarises evidence of the most significant social impacts related to key files under the Fit for 55 package and provides recommendations for addressing these social impacts for MEPs and Member States ahead of the plenary votes and Council meetings from June 2022. The briefing covers:

  • The extension of the Emissions Trading Scheme to buildings and road transport (ETS II) and the Social Climate Fund (SCF).
  • The CO2 from Cars and Light Vehicles Regulation (CO2 from cars).
  • The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
  • The Renewable Energy Directive (RED III).

Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash

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