Event recap: Divergence in EU-UK biodiversity targets

Authors: Michael Nicholson and David Baldock

To date, the EU has agreed a set of non-binding biodiversity objectives and actions in its Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Central to this is a new nature restoration Regulation (Restoration Law) proposed by the European Commission with legally binding restoration targets for ecosystems habitats and species.

Within the UK, consultations have been conducted on proposed legally binding biodiversity targets in England, and on non-binding targets in Northern Ireland. Targets are being developed in Scotland and Wales, which are to be legally binding in the former, and have been recommended to be in the latter. This event examined and discussed emerging biodiversity targets within the EU and UK. An expert panel offered perspectives from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, followed by a general, open audience discussion. It covered the main and potential areas of divergence as well as the implications of this going forward.

IEEP UK hosted a webinar to present our latest report on divergence in biodiversity and nature targets between the EU and UK and assess the current developments in London, Brussels and the UK’s constituent nations.

We have included the presentation slides for your enjoyment as well as the full discussion from our guest speakers below:

Graham Tucker – Associate, IEEP UK

Dr Jane Clarke – Nature Protection Policy Officer, RSPB Northern Ireland

Richard Benwell – CEO, Wildlife and Countryside Link

Meriel Harrison – Senior Policy Officer, RSPB Wales

Isabel Mercer – Senior Policy Officer, RSPB Scotland

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Divergence Project Report - comparison of biodiversity targets
Presentation_G. Tucker (EU_UK)
Presentation_J. Clarke (Northern Ireland)
Presentation_I. Mercer (Scotland)
Presentation_M. Harrison (Wales)

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